Heimdall is the all-seeing and all-knowing Asgardian warrior-god and the guardian of the rainbow bridge, Bifrost, watching for any attacks on Asgard.
Character traits
Heimdall is a strong and loyal warrior, with a high sense of honor. Although being extremely powerful, even for an Asgardian, he serves only Odin, having sworn to be faithful to his king.

Powers and abilities
As all Asgardians, Heimdall possesses superhuman physical attributes, such as strength, reflexes, stamina, speed, agility, durability. However, he is generally stronger and more durable than all but a few Asgardians, such as Odin and Thor, so much so that Loki was curious to know the reason why Odin did not fear the powerful gatekeeper. He's an extremely skillful swordman, wielding an enchanted uru sword in battle.
Heimdall possesses extraordinarily acute superhuman senses, most notably his vision and hearing, bordering on the extrasensory. His senses are said to be so acute that he could hear sap running through trees, and "the tiniest plant growing in the heart of the hidden hills", and see and hear anything occurring in Asgard or on Earth. Heimdall can also "look across time, as well as space". Heimdall has been said to be capable of detecting the fluttering of a butterfly's wings "a thousand worlds away". These sensory capabilities have been put to use placing Heimdall in the role of gatekeeper to Asgard at his observatory on the Bifrost Bridge. His sensorial powers can be deceived, as Loki proved.