30th July- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nurul Maideen
31st July- Amelie, Michelle
I found out from a friend that come this Sunday, there is a certain event at Jurong West, and yes I am definitely going for it. Thank goodness I chose to take off-day for this coming Monday. Hint: one of the stars involved in the aforementioned outdoor event is one of the Seven Princesses... leave it for you to guess which one ;-)
I guess I'll have to show my Batman toy collection, since I can't think of anything interseting to share here today.
Introducing the villains from past movies... who would've thought that these two would eventually be featured in "The Dark Knight"? Too much of a coincidence I guess, heh :-p
On the left is Two-Face figure is from the "Batman Forever" movie, played by Tommy Lee Jones. He comes with a turbo-charge cannon that can shoot 3 missiles (one of the missiles missing), and a good/evil coin (that's not the original coin btw). Truth is I'm still trying to find the original coin (which is bigger than the one in the picture)... thankfully I have this American quarter dollar coin to make up for it.
On the right is the The Joker from the first Batman film (1989), played by Jack Nicholson. This figure used to have a long-range pistol and a copter pack, but both of them got lost. He does however have a special feature... you put him in the freezer for a few minutes, and his face will change color from white to beige (in the film, the Joker disguised his face into beige; after Vicki Vale splashed warm water onto him, his face turned back to white). And the actual truth is, Nicholson is much pudgier than the (rather scrawny) Joker toy portrayed here.
Batman buckle from 1989 film series. Comes with a plastic belt (damaged liao) and 4 items that can be combined to form a weapon (pistol, walkie-talkie, microphone, binoculars). The buckle can't be lit up anymore (bulb and battery compartment gone rusty), but I'm keeping it as a souvenir.
Batmobile Ripcord Launcher from the 1989 film series. You yank the cord at the back of the device about 3 times or more, then press the button to launch the Batmobile on a smooth surface, and watch it travel at a long distance.
Batjet, also from the 1989 film series. This is actually a ripoff from a similar-looking jet from the 80s cartoon "Silverhawks". You press the button at the back to launch out the wings, and press the button at the side of the cockpit region to shoot out the missile. You can place any Batman figure inside... although he will look kinda uncomfortable flying the jet in this kind of position... like sitting on a massage chair or something.
Comparing the Batmobiles from the Tim Burton film series and the Christopher Nolan film series. The one on the left is from the Ripcord Launcher mentioned earlier. The Tumbler on the right is actually a fridge magnet I bought recently.
All these are from the 1989 film series... the original Batman figures (4 of them) that came with these were damaged and stained with plasticine, so I had to dump them. Clockwise from top: Tech Wing pack, Wall Scaler pack, Crime Battler Pistol with Claw and Batarang projectiles, miniature bat accessory (something like a 'pet'). The figures I used to own are Crime Battle Batman (black costume), Tech Wing Batman (gold costume), Wall Scaler Batman (blue costume) and Quick Change Bruce Wayne/Batman.
Ninja Bruce Wayne/Batman, from Batman Begins series. Comes with detachable shoulder pads, blade tips, staff attachment, wrist blade and Batman cowl. The blade tips can be held on each hand like daggers, or they can be attached to the staff attachment to form a double-bladed staff. You can see that Bruce is modelled in the exact likeness of Christian Bale. :-)
Weapons Tech Batman. I lost the original Batman figure under mysterious circumstances, so I had to use the Batman figure from "The Dark Knight" series to make up for it. He comes with a suitcase from Wayne Enterprises. No, there's no money in the suitcase (this isn't Deal Or No Deal), but a range of weapons...
Clockwise from top right: a Batarang (can be folded), grappling gun, telescope headset
Staff Attack Batman from The Dark Knight series. Comes with spinning handles, steel wrist guards, and spear-like blades.
An alternate style of weaponry... attaching the blade tips to the spinning handles, to form spinning tonfas :-)
So there you have it... my less-than-perfect (but still awesome) Batman toy collection; the deluxe weapons that I owe have no direct link to the Batman series whatsoever. And I ain't gonna buy any more, I'm just not too pleased with the wide (and irrelevant) range of Batman figures for the past 20 years. Still contemplating on whether to buy Clone Wars figures...