Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The price of fame...?


I was in for a shock when I read the Chinese newspaper prior to starting work yesterday... U-NEE HANGED HERSELF. It's really ironic that the leggy Korean babe's pictures were ciculated around the Net, mistaken for a blown-up Mongolian model Altantuya Shaarribuu. And yet barely 3 mths after, this very same U-Nee would eventually end her life. The moment i read the words "Sheng mang" (death) and "diao jian" (hangman cord), I suspected that she could haf committed suicide due to depression. She certainly wasnt the only celeb to have ended her own life... there were others like Marilyn Monroe, George Reeves and Leslie Cheung, just to name a few. Sometimes it makes one wonder why people want to end their own lives just like that... could it be due to sheer pressure wif work? Not being loved enough? Troubled childhood? Depression is not an easy thing to get over. It troubles my heart to know that there are still people out there who are constantly battling depression without realising it in them. I haf a classmate who is very introverted and is totally unaware that she may be suffering from depression (esp since she mumbles to herself most of the time).
And that is partly why I had re-scheduled to work lesser, for fear that all the stress from work might get the better of me and cause my studies to suffer at such expense.
Rest in peace, U-Nee... u were gone way too soon, at a very young age. You will be greatly missed.


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