Friday, July 18, 2014

Transformers AOE film informatics Part 24: The Twins

When a spark splits into two separate sparks, the resulting two Cybertronians are considered twins, with an incredibly close bond. One such division yielded Skids and Mudflap, a pair of doofy-looking, hyperactive chatterboxes who refer to themselves simply as the Twins.
The inseparable pair spends more time fighting with each other or trying to outdo each other, than paying attention to anything going on around them. They like to think they're hardcore, but when their guard drops, it turns out they're basically a couple of robot rednecks. Still, they can hold their own in a fight, and they are eager to show Optimus Prime just how skilled they are. Whether this will end up getting them killed is another question, though they have had some extremely close calls before.

Each twin can transform into smaller separate vehicles or combine for a single, more durable alternate mode. Upon first arriving on Earth, the twins took the form of a beat-up old ice cream truck, but later scanned a couple of slick new Chevy cars for disguises. That being said, it's unlikely the twins will keep an alt-mode for long.

The dopey-looking Skids spends a lot of his time arguing with his twin brother Mudflap and trying to outdo him in crazy stunts, all while believing he's the responsible, level headed one. In his own mind, everything dangerous and dopey he does is simply making him a better warrior. Underneath it all, he harbors a secret fear that Mudflap is actually the superior warrior of the pair... which is probably true.
Skids' hyper-reactive optical imaging scanner allows him to process tactical information faster than anyone (EXCEPT his twin). Add that to his supreme firepower and his unpredictable actions, and he's a pain in the aft for any Decepticon who wants to counter him! And that's only if they spot him. He changes alt-mode so much it's hard to keep track of him. On Earth, he's already been part of an ice-cream truck (combining with his brother), and more recently a lime-colored Chevrolet BEAT.

The goofy-looking Mudflap and his twin Skids are a result of a split spark, and share a close bond accordingly. Mudflap is hyperactive, noisy, argumentative, and eager... not that different from his brother. He's so desperate to impress that he comes off as having the robot equivalent of ADHD. Like Skids, he possesses hyper-reactive optical imaging scanners, making him able to process tactical information faster than any other Transformer (except Skids). As irritated as Mudflap gets from Skids' vocal one-upmanship, he realizes that they actually work best as a team.
Each twin can transform into smaller, separate vehicles or combine into a single, more durable alternate mode, but whether they can combine similarly into a larger robot mode remains to be seen. Upon first arriving on Earth, Mudflap and his brother took the form of a beat-up old ice cream truck, but he later scanned a Chevy Trax for a disguise, and, sometime after that, a brown-colored Chevrolet SPARK.