Thursday, July 10, 2014

Transformers AOE film informatics Part 10B: Dinobots not featured in film

These are the few Dinobots who did not appear in the film, but were included in the toyline.

Slash is surprisingly sneaky for a Dinobot. Skilled in the arts of stealth and tracking, he can cut down his target without getting detected or hunt down his next victim with ease. Equipped with cyber scythes in robot mode and claws as a Velociraptor, Slash can fight his way out of a bad situation if things go south. The 'feathers' on his dinosaur arms remove in robot mode to become his cyber scythe weapons. Does not include an electric guitar, despite sharing the same stage name as the former Guns N Roses lead guitarist.

One of the mighty Dinobots, Sludge is a slow witted but powerful Dinobot from Cybertron's ancient past. Sludge's strength is considered to be second only to Grimlock's in the Dinobot faction. Sludge also has the great power to shake the ground violently and make huge tremors when stomping around in his Brontosaurus mode, which is a good weapon for shaking up Decepticons. Sludge's biggest weakness is his belief that the strongest Autobot should lead, and not necessarily the smartest.

Snarl is an Autobot of few words and fewer opinions, this Stegosaurus grudgingly follows the orders of Dinobot leader Grimlock and leaves the thinking to others. Only the thrill of battle can elevate his spirits, the joy of combat washes away the ache in his spark, and lets him forget anything but the rising thrill of the fight. For these reasons Snarl revels in combat more than even his fellow Dinobots.