Tuesday, July 22, 2014

transformers AOE film informatics Part 43B: Devastator

Whether he's formed from six, seven, or even nine Constructicons, Devastator is a giant among giants. He is in fact so huge that his body simply cannot support itself when carrying his weight upright, forcing him to lumber on all fours.
Devastator is a tormented being, his very formation wracking his component Constructicons with pain and stressing them to the breaking point both physically and mentally. The imperfect fusion process produces a mind that's very much less than the sum of its parts; rage and pain are all he knows, pushing aside whatever intelligence he might possess. Devastator relies on almost pure instinct in battle.
Other than his intimidating strength, Devastator can also create powerful gravity wells by generating an artificial black hole with his Vortex Grinder, located in his mouth. Nearby objects are drawn into his gaping mouth to be crushed. He has grappling hook that assist in climbing up huge structures like pyramids.

In Revenge Of The Fallen, upon arrival in Egypt, the Constructicons that made up Devastator combined and attacked Leo Spitz, Seymour Simmons, Skids, and Mudflap. It rampaged through the construction facility, sucking up anything not anchored down, such as sand, cars, and Mudflap. Despite the powerful vacuum, Mudflap held out for a while before being sucked further in. Seeking vengeance, Skids clambered up Devastator for revenge. However, Mudflap had survived, as he blasted a hole through the giant Decepticon's eye to climb out before further attacking the combiner and slowing it down.

Megatron yelled Devastator's name from atop the Great Pyramid of Giza to end the twins' distraction. Devastator clambered out of the construction pit and grappled his way to the peak of the pyramid, where he used his vortex grinder to suck up the stones that hid the star harvester inside. By this point, Simmons had made his way to the pyramid, and he radioed a nearby navy ship to fire its experimental rail gun, which had been developed based on studies of Megatron during his captivity at Hoover Dam. The gun's projectile hit Devastator, blasting off an arm and the lower half of his leg, making him lose his balance, causing him to shatter into many pieces as his body tumbled down the pyramid.

Devastator is made up of:
Mixmaster (head)
Scavenger (main torso)
Overload (lower torso)
Scrapper (right arm)
Hightower (left arm)
Long Haul (right leg)
Rampage (left leg)