Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Live The Dream" ends off with... MAJOR HEARTACHE!!!


What in the world is happening?!?! Is there no justice at all?!?!

Live The Dream is totally screwed up... but the ones who are really screwed up are the tone deaf fans and friends of a certain SOMEONE who voted most of their hard-earned money just for the sake of keeping him in the competition just so he would outlast the more talented contestants, not realizing that in doing so, they would be doing that SOMEONE more harm than good.

I shall not give my comments on the Top 6 performances, and thus I shall go straight to the point...

The group whose journey ended tonight... Revalina. That gave me major heartache... but then again, it was kinda expected since their performances weren't so outstanding.

And the soloist who would be sent packing tonight... is NOT that certain someone mentioned earlier. Instead, it was the one whom I have no regrets supporting all along... the one I managed to take pic wif once more minutes before the shocking results... the only girl remaining in the competition for the past 3 weeks...

WHAT!!!! WHAT!!!! WHAT!!! Two major heartaches in one night... Ken Lim was right all along: money does make the world go really really wrong. I was so looking forward to a Shauna vs Fendi showdown at the finals, NOT Fendi vs a certain lamebrained goon who depended solely on his tone deaf supporters to save his life and ensure his survival. It could been equally shocking if Fendi were the one sent home instead. I'm totally cool with By Definition, but I dont really like Catsinecradle, nor do I like their fans. I hope that Fendi wins the solo category, and that his fans prevent the Ultimate Nightmare from happening. Having that someone in the finals is already horrifying enough to make me lose sleep...

After the show... I played around with the LTD poster at the reception for a while... with a few fans approving of my actions
And then later I took pics with Revalina once more, and soon afterwards I took picture with New Yi Qing while waiting for the bus (which we boarded together lah, duh). We got to watch an episode of "Metamorphosis" in the bus before Yi Qing dropped off. My heart may be down for now due to the very shocking results that took place, but I'll be alright pretty soon.

Shauna, I'm still very proud fof you for making it this far and inspiring me, even though you truly did not deserve to go. I want to say... I love you very much, Shauna. Don't give up on your dreams.

Fendi, I'm counting on you to win the competition! Do all of us proud! Fendi supporters, help us 'avenge' the other equally talented contestants who got booted out!!

And to that SOMEONE whose name I purposely refuse to mention here, you know who you are. I feel very ashamed for you, your family, your friends and your 'super-rich' supporters. I have TWO WORDS for you, and they are written in the photo above. I look forward to giving your supporters 'capital punishment' come the 24th of October...


Pro Gamer and Avid Youtuber Lover said...
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Pro Gamer and Avid Youtuber Lover said...

U should said to Victor FUCK OFF