Saturday, May 03, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man film informatics Part 03F: Uncle Ben and Aunt May

Ben Parker is the brother of Richard Parker, and late uncle of Peter Parker. Richard and Mary entrusted their then 4 year old son into the care of Ben and his wife May.

He was told by Peter that he was "a great dad," even though he sometimes doubts his parenting skills. As years passed, Uncle Ben and Peter were working together to fix a broken pipe in the basement. Ben went back upstairs later and Peter found an old, suspicious suitcase. He brought it upstairs to ask about it, and his uncle said the case was his dad's and that he should look inside. Peter went straight to his room and started investigating the suitcase.

Ben came to Peter's room and confronted him about his findings, trying to comfort Peter about his parents. He also revealed the name of his father's co-worker, Curtis Connors. After Ben left, Peter immediately searched the Internet for information about Richard and Connors' work, which lead him to the discovery of his parent's death due to a plane crash. Continuing his search on Connors' alone, Peter was able to locate him at Oscorp Industries famous Oscorp Tower and decided to go there.

After Flash is humiliated by Peter on the basketball court, Uncle Ben had to change work shifts and tells Peter to pick up his aunt from work later that night. Instead, Peter forgets and goes back to Oscorp Tower to help Dr. Connors.

At home, Uncle Ben waits on the porch. Peter wonders why, and his uncle tells him he forgot to pick up his aunt from work. Peter states he just forgot, but his uncle ignored this and ordered Peter to apologize to May. Inside, May tells Peter he doesn't need to worry about it, but Ben says that May had to walk home alone in the dark. Eventually, the conversation gets serious and emotional as Peter asks where his father is. Ben thinks this is out of line, but Peter is being serious. With nothing more to say, the teenager storms out of the apartment, shattering the front door's glass with his super strength. Ben tries to stop him, but May reassures him that Peter will be back.

Uncle Ben has been searching for Peter since he left, and tries to stop a cash register thief, who shoots him in the stomach and escapes immediately after. Peter hears the commotion and finds his uncle, lying wounded on the sidewalk with blood flowing out of his stomach. Peter lives with the guilt of indirectly causing his uncle's death, and honors his uncle's memory as the crimefighting Spider-Man.

Originally a very naive girl in her youth, she eventually discovered her affections for her schoolmate Ben Parker and married him. After her brother-in-law and his wife were forced to leave their son behind, May and Ben took the boy in.

Little did they know at the time, Peter's presence with the two would strengthen their relationship. May and Ben would act as parents to Peter. They lived normally until Peter gained powers, these powers would lead him to become the masked hero Spider-Man, but, because of this, Peter would come home late at night, often to his aunt and uncle's questioning toward this.

One night when Peter came home late, Ben had been fed up with him always being late, he demanded that Peter apologize to his aunt, only for Peter to storm out of the house, slamming and breaking the glass in the door. Ben went out to look for him, only to be confronted by a man with a gun, who was running from the police. Ben tried to stop the man, but, was shot in the stomach.
Though Peter did not tell her where he went or where he would go during this time, she lived with the mystery and continued to love him. Throughout the film after being widowed, she expresses concern for Peter being out late and coming home injured, though he refuses to admit to her where he has been. At the end of the movie, despite coming home in serious pain, Peter brings home the eggs she asked him to get in the middle of the film, and does not bother to ask what happened.

In the second film, Aunt May was in attendance of Peter's high school graduation.