Tuesday, May 27, 2014

X-Men Days Of Future Past film informatics Part 14: Toad

Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) was a mutant who appears as a member of Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants. He has the ability to leap to far distances, spit out slime, and has a strong and flexible 13 ft long tongue.

In X-Men Days Of Future Past, Toad is one of 4 mutants as part of an army battalion for the Vietnam War, with their base located in Saigon. When Mystique revealed herself and battled several soldiers, Toad used his tongue to snatch a pistol from one of the soldiers. He and the other mutants then boarded an aircraft headed back to USA.

In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he was briefly seen as one of the mutants held captive in Three Mile Island by William Stryker, before being rescued by Wolverine. Sometime after he and the other mutants were taken back to the US by Professor XToad would join the ranks of Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants.

In the first movie, he is seen mostly in the Brotherhood's lair, and later on at a train station.Toad's high point in the film came during the battle with Cyclops, Storm and Jean Grey. Toad pulls off Cyclops' glasses with his tongue, causing the latter to shoot his optic blasts through the station's roof. When Magneto arrives to kidnap Rogue, Toad holds her in a sack and adorns Cyclops' glasses on his head. Later on at Liberty Island, while Mystique battles Wolverine, Toad pushes Cyclops against a museum exhibit and hurtles Storm up onto the next floor with his tongue. He then faces Jean Grey, who he passionately toys with. While Jean telekinetically suspends him mid-air, he ejects slime out of his mouth, suffocating her. He then confronts Storm again, kicking her into the elevator and closing it. As he witnesses Cyclops coming to rescue Jean, Storm emerges and pushes Toad outside with a strong gust of wind. With only his tongue securing him to the railing, Storm finally electrocutes Toad, sending him spiraling into the water.

Prehensile Tongue - Toad has an elastic tongue that can stretch up to 13 feet. He used this to fight, snatch a weapon from a soldier, stop himself from falling, and to catch a bird to eat it.

Slime Spit - Toad once spat slime onto Jean Grey's face, making her unable to breathe.

Superhuman Leaping - Toad was able to leap further distances than most people or mutants are able to. He could use this to jump long distances for travel or to climb around areas.

Toad also possesses enhancedacrobatic speed, agility, dexterity, reflexes, coordination, balance.