Saturday, May 03, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man film informatics Part 03E: Richard and Mary Parker

Dr. Richard Parker was a scientist at Oscorp Industries in the works with his colleague, Dr. Curt Connors. Parker and his wife, Mary, were parents to Peter Parker. When Peter was only four years old, his parents disappeared randomly. They left Peter under the watch of his brother and sister-in-law, Ben and May.

Since his parents' disappearance, Peter has been trying to find the truth about who they are and where they went. Soon, Peter realized that his parents died in a plane crash. He then went to Connors to find more about the truth of his parents, but even Richard's closest friend and workmate did not know.

In a flashback scene at the start of the second film, Richard Parker records a video message in an attempt to explain himself of his experiments at Oscorp before his disappearance. After leaving their son Peter in the care of Ben and May, Richard and Mary board a private airliner that is hijacked by a man disguised as the co-pilot sent to kill him. He thwarts the attempt on his life while trying to send the video to a secret location, but with the main pilot already dead and one of the engines damaged, the plane nosedives into a forest and crashes, killing both Richard and Mary.

In the present day, May reveals to Peter that she and Ben were visited by government agents a few days after Richard and Mary disappeared and were told that Richard was planning to sell secret weapons to foreign powers. Peter uses information left behind by his father to locate the video message Richard left, hidden within a secret lab which Richard had established, located under the tracks of an abandoned subway station. In the video, Richard explains that he had to leave New York because he wasn't willing to go along with Norman Osborn's plans to use what they had created for bio-genetic weapons with his research. Richard also explained that the Oscorp's genetically-engineered spiders were created using his DNA, so that only his bloodline could fully access and continue his work; the spiders were specifically encoded to Peter and will not fully bond with anyone else.

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