Sunday, May 24, 2009

Big Idea day 2 part 1... 3 hunks and a babe

Happy Birthday to Lincoln Heng

Earlier today, myself and Mother went for church servive as usual... then we went to have lunch at Plaza Singapura. There was o more Western food stall, so I had to resort to eating duck rice from Kuala Lumpur Duck Stall (the one opened by Zhang Yaodong and Terence Cao). Because there was still plenty of time, I decided to watch a movie first... "Night At The Museum 2". Quite an interesting film with new surprises, but I felt that it could be done a little better. I rate it 7/10.

Right after the movie ended, I rushed down to Open Plaza to chope place at the Big Idea tent... but I did see an awesome-looking Terminator T-800 model at one of the collectibles shop at the 7th level! Hasta la vista, baby... :-D

Host for the day was some Chinese deejay named Jiafa... he organized a game that saw a member of Elvinology and Felicity get on stage to re-arrange a puzzle.

First segment proper saw 3 guys talk about their upcoming projects. Zheng Geping, Alan Tern and Desmond Tan. They played a game with 3 fans where they had to say the word "Big Idea" and hold their voices as long as possible. Is it me or does anyone out there think that Alan looks a bit like the Thai heartthrob Ananda Everingham? :-)

Then came the beautiful Paige Chua, who was at the Fisherman's Friend stall to promote the product as well as autograph notebooks and take picture with fans. Edmund was one of 6 lucky fans to go up on stage to play some trivia game with the tall and humble beauty. :-)

And yes, I saw Lee Xuncheng again... he kinda reminds me of a Terminator with those shades on, haha!! :-D

To be continued in part 2... the more exciting part!! :-D

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