Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Missing Lio Kaiser


The APD assignment on magazine poster design seemed really fun to work on, and before I knew it, I was close to finishing it. The writeup on the school project for the 2016 Olympic Games was really brairn-wrecking... and my head continued to shake with dismay as Mr D and Miss R came to school super-late yet again. And Phiz is still absent!!

Oh, and while doing research on the flag of Singapore, I stumbled upon a certain Transformers website of the 90s... and it was on a certain toy robot I once had when I was very young... LIO KAISER!!! Arghhhh.... I missed 'him' so much... some of the parts were broken and I had no choice but to sell 'his' away some 7 yrs ago (esp since the Victory robots looked less glamourous than the newer Transformers and the newer Power Ranger robots that followed the Transformers concept). Well, I certainly had no regrets then...

A lookback at the toy I once owned from 1991 to 2000...

The first member of the Breast Force (dont laugh) to appear. He functions as Destron Emperor Deszaras' right-hand man and is much more competent than the bumbling leader of the Dinoforce. Trasforms into the head and upper torso of Lio Kaiser.
Vehicle form: F-14 Tomcat jet
Animal motif: Lion
A violent Destron, he spent many episodes of Victory imprisoned. He was later freed by his Breast Force comrades and proceeded to massacre his guards. Transforms into the right arm of Lio Kaiser.
Vehicle form: MiG-29 Fulcrum jet
Animal motif: Hawk

A schemer and easily the most cowardly of the group. He is very dangerous due to his unique talent where he hypnotises his victims. Transfroms into the left arm of Lio Kaiser.
Vehicle form: JAS-39 Gripenjet
Animal motif: Bat

A stealth warrior, his speciality is ambushing his victims. Transforms into the lower torso of Lio Kaiser.
Vehicle form: Missile buggy
Animal motif: Jaguar

The most bloodthirsty and least intelligent of the group. Transforms the right leg of Lio Kaiser.
Vehicle form: Double-barrelled tank
Animal notif: Bison

The Breast Force strategist. Like other Destron strategists before him, he occasionally loses sight of the little things in favour of the big picture. Transforms into the left leg of Lio Kaiser.
Vehicle form: Drill tank
Animal motif: Rhino

As might be expected from the assembly of three air and three land warriors, he is known as a Super Gestalt Transformer who can counter all manner of battle patterns. However, due at least in part to the inability of his six components to get along, he cannot move well when they must suddenly try to act as one and fight.

The reason for the name Breast Force is their toy gimmick. Each Breast Forcer came with a detachable breastplate that transformed into an animal-attack partner which could also transform into a blaster weapon. What animal each Breast Force member came with was hinted at in the name of that Destron. (for example, Leozack came with a lion, while Gaihawk had a hawk, and so on.)

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