Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pathetic and pissed


Wah piang eh... today's attendance once again was PATHETIC!!! Only 10 students showed up for PE and Character Design lessons... and to make things worse, Miss April was absent, and wif nothing much to do, we were all dismissed at 11 am (and yet there were still students who reached school SUPER-LATE!!!). It didnt help either that my f--king pencil box had gone missing for no proper reason, but Im not gonna dwell too much on that. I wont be surprised if Mr Tim blows his top to unlimited proportions upon seeing this pathetic and painful sight...

It's not that I want to say abt the rest of the class who failed to turn up, but what is wrong with them? What exactly is it that makes them wanna take their own studies or even punctuality for granted??? There has to be a way to knock some sense into their thick heads!! And from what I noticed, at least 3 students are already in danger of getting debarred or expelled with their frequent MIA record... I made a 'heartbeat chart' to quote some 'good examples' based on my observations for the past 2 weeks of the current term, as well as that of the previous term (the 'arcs' represent the days they are present for school). Student A used to be a moderately good student whose attitude suddenly got worse (and like before, he always reaches school very late!!)... Student B had been a rotten apple since the last semester, choosing to turn up whenever she likes and owing tons of assignments... and Student C, who had already been debarred by 2 semesters due to latecoming for exams (WTH!!!) is confirmed to get fired very soon...