Saturday, November 04, 2006

The End of The Line for...

Happy Birthday to Angeline, Famke Janssen (Jean Grey) and Rebecca Romijn (Mystique)

Took Leng Howe, the heartless young man who killed poor little Huang Na 2 years ago, had been sent to the gallows yesterday. And yet he was still smiling all the way, and even gamely posed for pictures days before he faced the noose.
And with Took's death sentence, comes a definite end to a long dramatic case that had gripped the hearts of many Singaporeans for the past 2 years.
Had Huang Na's mother not abandoned her all alone in Singapore those years ago, this tragedy would not have happened. Such a shame that a ruthless and inhuman person like Ah Howe would resort to RAPE AND KILL the poor young thing. But what's done had been done, there's no way we can bring the dead back to life... I believe Mdm Huang had forgiven Ah Howe in spite of his crimes. And one thing we know for sure is that Huang Na's soul can finally be in peace.

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