Thursday, November 16, 2006

Random thoughts on stage plays, animating and more


I've been in a big rush these days... I dont think I might be able to blog so often after next week...

Anyway, i watched "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" at ITE Simei (aka 'Machine City') last night... I enjoyed the show of course. Brilliatn acting by all the cast members, esp the guy who played Joseph. I had no idea that David JK would play one of the brothers... as brotehr Asher as a matter of fact. And i wasnt too pleased when I found out who played the butler... it would be better if that 'dropout' played the doomed baker instead.

Link to Joseph from the Hebrew Bible:

In the song "Joseph's Coat" the lyrics claim his coat was "red, and yellow, and green, and brown, and scarlet, and black, and ochre, and peach, and ruby, and olive, and violet, and fawn, and lilac, and gold, and chocolate, and mauve, and cream, and crimson, and silver, and rose, and azure, and lemon, and russet, and gray, and purple, and white, and pink, and orange, and blue.

Earlier today, I attended an animation talk... getting an insider scoop on how tough an animator's job would really be, drawing over 200 frames for a 30-minute show. Suddenly, I am beginning to haf second thoughts on whether this (to be an animator) was what i really want. But of course I won;'t give up until I fail to try. Even if I'm being stressed out by assignments on IT fundamentals and original concept for safety precautions.

Sayonara to my old fridge, which had been serving my family faithfully for 20 years... you will be greatly missed... farewell too to my beloved uncle's fridge... even tho it had been wif us for only abt a year (and yet caueed a power trip a few days ago)

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