Friday, June 20, 2008

Info on Doc Leonard Samson

Film portrayal
Doc Leonard Samson appears in the 2008 Incredible Hulk film, and is played by Ty Burrell. He does not have any superpowers, but he is portrayed closer to his earlier appearances before his incident. He is in a short relationship with Betty Ross. He criticized General Ross's reasons for hunting Banner/Hulk, especially after witnessing the Hulk protecting Betty from the crossfire of General Ross's attacks. In a deleted scene, Leonard asks Betty for forgiveness for tipping off General Ross on Bruce's whereabouts, to which she informs him that she will let him know when she gets back. Burrell, who has signed on for a possible sequel, has stated that he wants to portray the superpowered Doc Samson faithfully to the comics

Power and abilities
Leonard Samson was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He became a college professor and psychiatrist. After Bruce Banner was temporarily cured of being the Hulk by siphoning off the gamma radiation that caused his transformations, Samson, who had been working with Banner/Hulk in his job as a psychiatrist, exposed himself to some of the siphoned radiation, granting him a superhumanly strong and muscular physique and causing his hair to turn green and to grow long, reminiscent of his biblical namesake.

Doc Samson possesses superhuman physical abilities as a result of exposure to high levels of gamma radiation. Though his exposure is considerably less than that of the Hulk or the Abomination, he still possesses most of the same powers as they have.

The gamma radiation mutated Samson's physique by adding considerable muscle and bone mass to his body, granting him high levels of superhuman strength. Samson's hair is a bright shade of green due to his exposure to gamma radiation. Initially, his strength was dependent upon the length of his hair and the longer it was, the more powerful he was though his mutation has since stablized making his hair length irrelevant.

Samson's strength is equal to that of the Gray Hulk, aka Joe Fixit, while the latter is in a calm emotional state. Unlike the Hulk, however, Samson's strength doesn't increase due to adrenaline surges while angry. As a result, Samson is ultimately far less powerful than the Hulk. Also like the Hulk and Abomination, Samson's leg muscles are highly developed and powerful. He is able to leap great distances both vertically and horizontally, though not nearly as far as the Hulk or Abomination.
Aside from granting him more muscle mass, Samson's bodily tissues are fortified and are considerably harder than those of an ordinary human, granting him a high level of resistance to physical injury. Samson can withstand falls from great heights, extremes of temperature, high-caliber bullets, and tremendous impact forces like being repeatedly struck by the Hulk without sustaining injury. Due to his highly advanced musculature, his muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human, granting him superhuman stamina. He's demonstrated sufficient stamina to a battle a mindless incarnation of the Hulk for more than six hours.

Like others who have gamma induced powers, Doc Samson is immune to terrestrial diseases. Unlike the Hulk, Abomination, or even the She-Hulk, Samson hasn't demonstrated any accelerated healing powers.

Doc Samson is said to be one of the most renowned psychiatrists on Earth. He is often called on to counsel various superhumans, such as the members of X-Factor. He has a M.D. in psychiatry, and is a skilled theoretical technician and inventor of various medical devices.

Samson is a good hand to hand combatant that, coupled with his physical attributes, have allowed him to hold his own against the Hulk for extended periods of time. He has also briefly engaged the combined forces of
Iron Man, Wonder Man, Sub-Mariner, and Hercules, though those heroes had been fatigued after battling the Mindless Hulk. He sometimes uses psychology as a tool to get through a more powerful opponent's guard, such as an Infinity Gem-empowered Titania.

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