Firstly, congrats to Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony for the birth of their twins!! :-)
This week got no event*, so sian. But that comes off as a blessing of some sort, so I'm gonna make use of this weekend to stay at home and finish up on my school assignment... how I wish I had a Wacom tablet right now. Life would be easier then, and I wouldn't need to go through the troubles of tracing out the drawings via mouse. I am seriously being stressed out greatly from the sheer pressure of the assignments that I need to finish in 2 weeks' time. So much til I get mental blocks sometimes... and I have to delay my plans to go to the National Museum to a later date in favor of completing my projects.
* CORRECTION... there is a JJ Lin event at Bugis Junction on Sunday (24/02), but I chose not to go cos I need to finish up on project.
Some thoughts abt school... I think it's already too late for me to quit from school right now. Some say that it's better to 'carry on fighting' and gain something than quit halfway and not be involved in the battle at all. I have been greatly disappointed by the large number of students who are about to get debarred for poor overall attendance. While I may be one of the 'better' students, deep down I am having mixed feelings. Why do I still continue to do my assignments in an environment where most people don't even bother to make an effort to buck up on their studies, let alone help themselves? I simply shake my head at the sight of some people coming to school super-late and playing on their PSPs instead of doing their homework!!! They are simply wasting their time lor...!! This is exactly why I am going to buy a PSP only when my birthday comes... and when I find a good reason to buy one.
To the Red Alert-listed people, I don't care what you think about me, but I seriously feel that you have done yourselves and the teachers a great wrong. Nobody can help you if you can't help youselves!!

In exactly one month from now, I am going to watch Maroon 5 perform live at the Singapore Indoor Stadium!! I had actually bought my tickets a few weeks ago, hours before my very last day at work. More info on the popular popband to come in a later post... ;-)
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