I read MKP's blog recently, and I am greatly angered by his latest blog entry!! UNFORGIVABLE!!! How i wish I could turn into The Hulk!!! I know he isn't badmouthing me this time round (he actually did that before), but after reading it, I feel I need to thrash it all out right here, right now!!
This is what he typed (colored letters and Verdana)... the words in Times New Roman format are my replies...
Wah today was extremely tired and boring!!!! Nothing nice in mediacorp today!!!
Now then you know!!! (oh man this is getting fun)
Whole day face that 'P' lady,that face of her is extremely disgusting!The sight of her face makes me feel like puking.
I don't know who you're referring to, but I think your face AND attitude disgust me even more!!!
Everywhere she go, she chase,mediacorp have got just too much stars and competitions already.The upcoming one 'You are the one' 'Wei wo du zun' also want to chase.
Cannot ah??? What other people do is totally none of your business!!!
I have been going back to mediacorp for many days and seeing all the stars and artistes,it just don't give me any special feeling anymore.The feeling i get from chasing during their events is so different from,when i see them in mediacorp.
If 'the special feeling you once got from chasing artistes' is gone, then why the hell are you still chasing stars in Mediacorp?!?!
I am not intenting to go to much events since i am able to go into mediacorp to see them,its useless to 'fight' over an artiste with so many people during events. Really meh??? YOU are the one who always want to pick a fight with others, not just over any artiste, but over ANYTHING!!!
Mediacorp is complicated,often u get people trying to harm you or badmouth you behind your back.
Now then you know!!! (oh man this is getting fun)
Whole day face that 'P' lady,that face of her is extremely disgusting!The sight of her face makes me feel like puking.
I don't know who you're referring to, but I think your face AND attitude disgust me even more!!!
Everywhere she go, she chase,mediacorp have got just too much stars and competitions already.The upcoming one 'You are the one' 'Wei wo du zun' also want to chase.
Cannot ah??? What other people do is totally none of your business!!!
I have been going back to mediacorp for many days and seeing all the stars and artistes,it just don't give me any special feeling anymore.The feeling i get from chasing during their events is so different from,when i see them in mediacorp.
If 'the special feeling you once got from chasing artistes' is gone, then why the hell are you still chasing stars in Mediacorp?!?!
I am not intenting to go to much events since i am able to go into mediacorp to see them,its useless to 'fight' over an artiste with so many people during events. Really meh??? YOU are the one who always want to pick a fight with others, not just over any artiste, but over ANYTHING!!!
Mediacorp is complicated,often u get people trying to harm you or badmouth you behind your back.
Well, that's because you like to badmouth everyone around you, except your close friends and your 'Precious'!!!
There is one group of girls who always go to the wardrobe unit each and every single day, during lunch time and after work sitting there, waiting for every single stars in mediacorp.I really find it horrible,they are not true at all,take pictures for the sake of their popularity,how realistic man!
I think I know which group of gals you are referring to!! Bloody hell, what point are you driving at??? That you are 'better than them', huh?!?! You think you are 'very true'?!?! AT LEAST they have true friends, NOT like you who likes to make enemies!!! You have NO RIGHT to insult them!!! Stop trying to act like an 'angel', cos you're NOT!!!
They are either lowly educated or school dropout students coming to mediacorp looking for stars.
How about you??? I bet you failed your O levels, that's why you can't go to poly, am I right!!! If I'm not wrong, you flunked your English right!!! I can tell by the lack of grammar and sentence structure in your entries!!!
They are really very fake,saying things they didn't mean and doing things opposite from what they say.
How about you??? You never 'do things opposite from what you say 'meh???? You never 'say things you didn't mean'????? You are not fake meh?????? }:-@
Most of the artistes in mediacorp should know what kind of people they are,they are able to judge it for themselves.I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore.
You think they would even give a shit about you?!?! YOU are the one who like to judge others!!!
all get rid off my friendster,they are just trying their best to stay in my friendster with evil motive.
Hopefully there will be hackers who will proceed to delete BOTH your Friendster accounts one of these days!!! And perhaps even delete that stupid blog of yours!!! I would like to 'thank you very much' for deleting me off your Friendster list last year, cos I was actually planning to do the exact thing!!!
Many people life and future is ruin because of too much star chasing, which lead to their lifetime regret in the future.
How about you???? Aren't you gonna feel any regret in future??? You must be talking about yourself, I think!!!
I am really numb seeing the artistes already,not going to be high anymore.
REALLY???? Once again I say, if you are 'really numb right now', then what the hell are you doing at Mediacorp?!?!
Its just so amazing that how come this will actually happened to me!I find it a good thing yeah!
There is one group of girls who always go to the wardrobe unit each and every single day, during lunch time and after work sitting there, waiting for every single stars in mediacorp.I really find it horrible,they are not true at all,take pictures for the sake of their popularity,how realistic man!
I think I know which group of gals you are referring to!! Bloody hell, what point are you driving at??? That you are 'better than them', huh?!?! You think you are 'very true'?!?! AT LEAST they have true friends, NOT like you who likes to make enemies!!! You have NO RIGHT to insult them!!! Stop trying to act like an 'angel', cos you're NOT!!!
They are either lowly educated or school dropout students coming to mediacorp looking for stars.
How about you??? I bet you failed your O levels, that's why you can't go to poly, am I right!!! If I'm not wrong, you flunked your English right!!! I can tell by the lack of grammar and sentence structure in your entries!!!
They are really very fake,saying things they didn't mean and doing things opposite from what they say.
How about you??? You never 'do things opposite from what you say 'meh???? You never 'say things you didn't mean'????? You are not fake meh?????? }:-@
Most of the artistes in mediacorp should know what kind of people they are,they are able to judge it for themselves.I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore.
You think they would even give a shit about you?!?! YOU are the one who like to judge others!!!
all get rid off my friendster,they are just trying their best to stay in my friendster with evil motive.
Hopefully there will be hackers who will proceed to delete BOTH your Friendster accounts one of these days!!! And perhaps even delete that stupid blog of yours!!! I would like to 'thank you very much' for deleting me off your Friendster list last year, cos I was actually planning to do the exact thing!!!
Many people life and future is ruin because of too much star chasing, which lead to their lifetime regret in the future.
How about you???? Aren't you gonna feel any regret in future??? You must be talking about yourself, I think!!!
I am really numb seeing the artistes already,not going to be high anymore.
REALLY???? Once again I say, if you are 'really numb right now', then what the hell are you doing at Mediacorp?!?!
Its just so amazing that how come this will actually happened to me!I find it a good thing yeah!
First you said that you're 'not feeling high' after working at Mediacorp for so long, then you suddenly get high and say that it's a good thing?!?! Come on, you are nothing but a small-fry extra!!!
They can continue to go chasing for the whole mediacorp star for all i care.
Well you can stop sneering at others, shut the hell up and go fuck yourself, FOR ALL I CARE!!!
Saw felicia today didn't get high at all for the first time and just looking at those gals chasing.Didn't take a picture with her too,felicia knows who is true to her.She have eyes to see what is going on in mediacorp.
Will you please stop stalking poor Fel, for crying out loud!!!! You are million times worse than Gollum!!! I'm sure you got very high the moment you saw her, am i right?!?! SICK FREAK!!!
Have u ever been to a pub or have u ever been to a hotel as tall as 70 storey?I am so happy to say that i have been there for the first time!It was a great experience man!I will let the pics do the speaking.
The pictures of the cityscape from the top of a 70-storey building may look impressive, but do you really have to upload all of them in your stupid blog?!?! Seeing so many pics will make others' eyes go sore, damnit!!! I bet your brain depends totally on your digicam!!! Lighting effect so poor, still wanna take and upload!!! You are nothing but a certified CAMERA WHORE!!!!
Well you can stop sneering at others, shut the hell up and go fuck yourself, FOR ALL I CARE!!!
Saw felicia today didn't get high at all for the first time and just looking at those gals chasing.Didn't take a picture with her too,felicia knows who is true to her.She have eyes to see what is going on in mediacorp.
Will you please stop stalking poor Fel, for crying out loud!!!! You are million times worse than Gollum!!! I'm sure you got very high the moment you saw her, am i right?!?! SICK FREAK!!!
Have u ever been to a pub or have u ever been to a hotel as tall as 70 storey?I am so happy to say that i have been there for the first time!It was a great experience man!I will let the pics do the speaking.
The pictures of the cityscape from the top of a 70-storey building may look impressive, but do you really have to upload all of them in your stupid blog?!?! Seeing so many pics will make others' eyes go sore, damnit!!! I bet your brain depends totally on your digicam!!! Lighting effect so poor, still wanna take and upload!!! You are nothing but a certified CAMERA WHORE!!!!
You leave me no choice but to upload this picture that I created sometime before Chinese New Year...

HAHAHA!!! How you like that now, sumbitch!!! THAT will teach you to keep your fucking mouth SHUT!!!
MKP, it's all thanks to you that 'The Game' has just begun.