Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Message for MKP (in Rock-like tone)

Abominable Mr Koh TS, you're such an asshole, an egomaniac, a psycho, an extremist, and last but not least, A CERTIFIED JABRONI!!! You think that by wearing shades and clubbing like mad, you proclaim yourself to be a SUPERSTAR??? Bigger than The Rock??? Bigger than Triple H??? Bigger than Shawn Michaels??? Bigger than John Cena??? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!!! You are certainly no different from Prince Absolom or Citizen Kane. And to think that you will lust over your boss's little girls??? You demented, disgusting, psychotic... FREAK!!!

No matter how many times you zi pai, how many 'friends' you claim to have in your Friendster profile, and how much you boast about your stinking life, you will still be UNFORGIVEN. And come next month, there will be NO MERCY. You won't be able to be a Survivor on November, and by December, The Tanat guaran-damn-tees you that Armaggedon will be upon you. There will be No Way Out for you, and Judgment Day will come anytime. One of these days, The Tanat is gonna lay the smackdown on you in front of the billions (AND BILLIONS!!!) of anti-SK fans... and if that's not enough, then this is what The Tanat's gonna do... he's gonna take those 5 dollar shades of yours, shine them real nice, turn them sideways and proceed to stick them straight up your roody poo candy ass!!!

Truth of the matter is... Mr Koh TS, your days of arrogance and self-indulgence are coming to an end.

IF YA SMELL...LA-LA-LA-LA... what The Tanat is cookin'!! ;-)

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