Monday, September 15, 2008

Random views on Thai politics and other shockers

Happy Birthday to Xie Shaoguang, Jay Lim, Fathim and Liting

I knew it!! Samak had stepped down and decided not to re-elect for PM of Thailand, following his folly with the cooking shows. Many people saw this coming, that's for certain. And today, there will be another state of emergency as a new PM is about to be chosen. Yet the pro- and anti-government parties still refused to quieten down. Whoever is gonna be the new PM, one of the protester groups confirm will make noise. Even the cats at the void deck can't seem to comprehend this madness... I just noticed that there are 2 sets of siblings. Aww crap I forgot their names liao... there are just too many cats within the Hougang heartlands already.

Ah Mao No 1 (male, slimmer one at left): So who do you think is gonna be the next PM, now that Samak had stepped down? All that fiasco on the cooking shows is starting to make me feel hungry...

Ah Mao No 2 (female, plumper one at right): Arghhh don't ask me liao... already got so much confusion in Thailand for the past few weeks. However, I got a very bad feeling that the new PM might be Somchai... (and he was RIGHT!!!)

Ah Mao No 3 (female, left): Ehhh brother, stop smooching me already and tell me your thoughts on the US presidential campaign... and who would you prefer as our master, Sarah or Hilary?

Ah Mao No 4 (male, right): Whoops, sorry!! Couldn't help it, heh. I don't know... John McCain or Barack Obama? Cooperation or change? I am indifferent towards either... I don't know much about Mrs Palin, but I'd rather have Mrs Clinton as my master. First class treatment... :-p

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