Friday, September 05, 2008

Skipping a movie

Happy Birthday to Jiale and Fariz
My dad flew back to Thailand in the afternoon. I pray he reaches the airport safely... the current political situation there doesn't look very bright.

Because I am in serious shortage of money for the time being, I had to give "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" a miss. Ok, another reason why I'm skipping it is becuase of the poor reviews it had received from almost every source. I don't think it's even one of the "must-see" films for this month lor. Maybe I would reconsider if it were produced by 20th Century Fox... but seriously, I kinda liked SW Episode I in spite of the boring political sessions and Jar-Jar's ridiculous antics. Speaking abt which, the irritating Gungan isn't featured in the animated film. Whew!!

As 99% of you Star Wars fanatics would know, the Clone Wars occur between Episode II and Episode III, sometime after Anakin Skywalker had become a Knight, and Obi-Wan Kenobi had in turn been promoted to Jedi Master status. The 3D-animated film is the pilot episode for the 3D-animated cartoon of the same name. Seriously speaking, the CGI effects in most Star Wars video games are a lot better than the ones in this Clone Wars movie. Although I am a Star wars fanatic as well, I can't help but feel that the Force seems to have 'lost its shine' in this one. I already know the story, having read the junior novel prior to the release of the film. Anakin and a new Padawan named Ahsoka Tano are assigned to save Jabba's baby son Rotta (yes, really!!) from the clutches of the Seaparatists, while Obi-Wan and Yoda lead the clone troopers into battle against the Droid Armies. There's lightsaber battles between Obi-Wan vs Asajj Ventress, and Anakin vs Count Dooku. Still you know that by the end of the film, most of the main characters survive to Episode III, right? For the time being that is... but i wonder what happened to Asajj and Ahsoka?

- Count Dooku gets his head and hands cut off by Anakin aboard the Invisible Hand...
- Yoda goes to Kashyyyk to assist the Wookiees in their war against the Separatists...
- General Grievous gets his guts blown out by Obi-Wan on Utapau...
- Palpatine gets disfigured by his own deflected Force Lightning...
- Mace Windu loses his hand, and gets electrified by Palpatine.
- Anakin becomes Darth Vader, obviously!!
- Order 66 is initiated across the whole galaxy... the endgame contigency for the Jedi Knights.
- After leading the 501st Legion to slaughter the Jedi in the Temple, Vader goes to Mustafar and wipes out the entire Separatist council.
- The Old Republic crumbles, and the Galactic Empire is born.
- Yoda fails to defeat Empror Palpatine.
- After a long violent duel with Obi-Wan on the fiery planet of Mustafar, Vader loses most of his limbs, gets burnt by molten lava, and therefore has to be kept alive in the black suit that made him a culutral icon and one of the world's most memorable villains. Cue heavy breathing...
- Padme dies of a broken heart after giving birth to Luke and Leia.
- The newborn twins are separated. Yoda seeks refuge on Dagobah, and Obi-Wan resides in Tatooine.

1 comment:

welcome tuu > Jess-lurves-foreva @ said...

hey tanat. thanks for the reminders of joanne event. hhhee.:D
you must be going bahh ? wahh.. your blog like everyday also got people birthday leh. hha