CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Asian TV Awards Red Carpet madness at Suntec City
Thursday, November 29, 2007
'Words of wisdom' from a super qian bian person!
Wowwee I had no idea that Rui En also likes the King of Pop Michael Jackson!! HEE HEE HEE!! I truly enjoyed watching the episode... can't wait to see Rui En again this coming Saturday! And hopefully shout, "NI HEN MEI!!!" as she goes up on stage :-p
Now to talk abt what I had stumbled upon recently...That crazy fan (ok let's call him Mr Kiam-Pa) who I had mentioned about a few weeks is causing havoc in the forums yet again... I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I HAF to post some of his quotes here, just so you will know what kind of person he is in real life... a super hao lian freak who claims to 'know everything' and think he can 'do a better job than others'!!
- Come lah as if i scare!!!i know the law well enough to be extremely careful!! (REALLY AH??? OOOH NOW 'I VERY SCARED'!!) At least better than some people with those email,that is indeed a great evidence of life threatening! will be jail for that!!! (YOU CALL MY POSTS 'LIFE THREATENING'??? GO AHEAD CALL THE POLICE IF YOU HAF THE BALLS TO!!)
- I did not blame u people,i just ask the chairman what is going on,she don't even bother at all.When i came, I was like thinking how come i only see YYYY and nothing about Miss X.My friend also was complaining how come like that and that,she even wanted to go home bring Miss X board there to paste la.I once again ask the chairperson what is going on,i ask about the board,she say NEVER BRING.This two word NEVER BRING piss me off.Without explaining to me and use this 2 word to shut me up.How can i not do anything about it?Note that the public should see something more than what it is suppose to be.How can it be any lesser?Well since this is over already,i hope the next one will be a better one. (AHHHH JUST SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY AND STOP WHINING LIKE A P***Y!! NEXT TIME GOT SUCH FUNCTIONS, WE'LL PUSH EVERYTHING TO YOU AND SEE IF YOU CAN HANDLE EVERYTHING BY YOURSELF!!)
- Issit? can read my mind?can read also cant be use as anything to counter me~! i am extremely careful with the words that i use and say.Take precaution always!Better to be safe than sorry. (TAKE PRECAUTIONS FOR YOURSELF, YOU MEAN!!)
- No point degrading myself and debate with unintelligent people.I only debate with people like A,B,C and some reasonable people.They are adults,mind set is different,they see big pics,while ignorant knows nothing. (OH SO IF I'M IGNORANT, THEN WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU? A DUMBASS I BET!!)
- who do u think u r? why should i mind my own business?i am able to do things well with the thingsi hand in hand and mind.unlike those nicompoop!I will in the dark do more research and attack! (I 'VERY EXCITED' LEH... DO TELL ME YOUR METHOD ON HOW YOU'RE GONNA "ATTACK" ME KK? I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO KNOW YOUR METHOD... BEE-ATCH!!!)
Lol what kind of 'wisdom' is that?!?! And with such atrocious use of English some more!! -_-"
Seriously man, Mr Kiam-pa is begging to get thrashed to a pulp, and it's not just because he's got small eyes, big nose and really horrid hair; it's his personality and character that totally STINKS!!! >:-@
DO UNTO OTHERS AS OTHERS DO UNTO YOU... be glad that at least I didnt state your real name here, Mr Kiam-Pa!! I want to see justice done upon you, immature, over-sensitive, arrogant brat-of-an-ass-clown... and when that happens, you will never, eeee...ver be the same again!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tough choices!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Car Boot Flea Market details in 8 days
I must say that Jade sure got legs!! Venom seems to be lurking nearby though... Elvin is one lucky chap, getting to pose wif the leggy, pixie-faced beauty :-)