Yesterday was probably the worst day to date... IT WAS RAINING NON-STOP FROM MORNING TIL EVENING. And worse of all, I forgot to bring my umbrella. (DOHHHH!!!!) Yet by some strange luck, my uniform dried up less than an hour after I reached the project lab. Mr Kelvin slapped down a list of the students who are in danger of getting expelled... out of 19 students present (minus the trio who are on attachment in Canada, which I would NEVER go to even for internship), ONLY 3 are 100% safe (guess who?). All the rest got marked for having less than 85% for at least one subject. And out of the 'marked' few, still got a few kena red marked for ALL FOUR SUBJECTS. I shant mention any names... once again i say, you are responsible for your own actions. Nobody can help you if you can't help yourself.
And Im still struggling with the idea for the 1-minute video. Still not sure if I should even continue studying in such an environment where the overall attendace is extremely horrible; I'd be lying if I said I am not feeling disillusioned abt the current situation.
Yet somehow the rain stopped for good after Mum and Wendy reached home. Wendy (Ah Meow!) will be going off to the States very soon... I will miss SMSing her abt Fiona and imitating her bimbotic mannerisms for the next few months. :-(

Speaking about bimbos and cute gals, I was greatly weakened last night after watching "The Princesses and the Dude", cos the 4th guest was none other than the superbly adorable, bubbly and sweet-as-sugar Dawn Yeoh!! Given her fetish for all things pink and Hello Kitty, I think I better prepare some Hello Kitty toys (small ones that is, NOT the McDonald's couple toys) to give to sweet Dawn for Christmas!! :-p
Dawn Yeoh's voting number: 1900-112-3025
Ah yes later on at 2230 hrs, I must remember to watch the finale of "Tab TV"... been missing way too many episodes liao. It was the very episode that features us Vincent and Zoe fans, recorded in an eerie-looking studio on the 9th of May. After more than 6 mths of waiting, the episode is finally here, and I never thought it would be filmed on Vincent's birthday itself! Man I so can't wait to see him again in the near future... :-)
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