Character synopsis on the main characters...
Alvin Seville
The middle brother and leader of the pack, Alvin is an emotional roller coaster. His enthusiasm is boundless and his despair bottomless. The term look before you leap definitely doesn't apply to Alvin, who is impulsive, charming, musical and full of animal magnetism. What others might characterize as half-baked schemes, Alvin prefers to see as challenging the ordinary. Alvin's signature color is red. He knows how to play the guitar and harmonica.
Simon Seville
The eldest brother, Simon is the intelligent realist of the group. In addition to having an IQ just north of Einstein, Simon possesses a very dry sense of humor as well as a keen wit. His chess master mind allows him to anticipate Alvin's hare-brained schemes (Simon's phrase, not Alvin's) and devise the solution that is invariably required. Simon's signature color is blue. He can play the keyboard and the bass.
Theodore Seville
The youngest and chubbiest, Theodore is the cute innocent butterball of the group. He is shy, loving, sensitive, gullible, trusting and naive. In short, he is an easy target for Alvin's manipulations. In fact, Theodore often holds the swing vote between his two brothers' choices of action. Simon appeals to Theodore's better nature while Alvin goes straight to bribery. He constantly gets snack attacks and would always like something to eat. Theodore's signature color is green. His instrument is the drums.
David "Dave" Seville
The Chipmunks' adoptive father, song writer and manager. Like any other single parent trying to raise three kids, let alone three hyperactive chipmunks, Dave has his patience tested on a daily basis. Not only does he juggle his professional life as the songwriter for the musical trio, but he's also the Chipmunks' father and confidant. While Dave struggles to remain calm and objective, Alvin often pushes him over the edge, reducing Dave to his famous yell, "A-L-V-I-NNN!!!!"
I also bought a new CD titled "December Stars". Also not so fantastic, the whole CD lasted for only 35 minutes. I didnt like "Last Christmas" even though Nat Ho was one of the 4 male singers for that song, cos the song sounded rather gay, and 2 of those actors (not Nat of course) sounded a lot like Victor Tang and Jerry Ong. At least "Merry Christmas Everyone" by Joanne, Jade, Felicia and Fiona was much better. Keely's cutesy voice in the first of two Campus Superstar XMas medleys was really strong, and got me 'tapping out' thru the whole 3 mins. Ditto for Teresa Tseng's voice in the 2nd CSS XMas medley.
Less than 24 hours to the 2nd NATural gathering... can hardly wait!! :-p
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