CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
The Top 20 for this contest consisted of the following...
Rachel Chua Ai Jia (runner-up for Campus Superstar season 3)
Sonia Yeo
Ng Chee Yang (male winner and oversall champion of Campus Superstar season 1)
Kenneth Lim
Carrie Yeo (female runner-up for Project Superstar season 2)
Shermaine Tia
Tan Hwee Peng
Geraldine See (female runner-up for Campus Superstarseason 1)
Kueo Miao Ru
Juliana Ng
Elyse Liang
Sylvester Sim (runner-up for Singapore Idol season 1)
Charlene Chen
Tan Diya (female champion for Project Superstar season 2)
Joyce Liew
Alfred Sim
Yutaki Ong (best known for his role as Shingo in Channel 5 teen drama "Light Years")
Keely Wee (female winner of Campus Superstar season 2)
Lovynn Kan
Teo Zuo En
For this event, 7 advanced to the next round... No 1, Rachel Chua Ai JiaNo 3, Ng Chee YangNo 5, Carrie YeoNo 12, Sylvester SimNo 14, Tan DiyaNo 17, Yutaki OngNo 20, Teo Zuo En
Out of these 7, only 3 were given tickets for the PK Challenge Finals in Tawian... Ai Jia, Chee Yang and Diya!! I was very happy that Ai Jia got selected, cause that would mean sweet payback for her fans and all those who were feeling very bitter over the doomified outcome of the Campus Superstar season 3 finals. I saw CSS 3 finalist Rachael Chang Hui Shi rooting for Ai Jia, and CSS 2 overall winner Shawn Tok rooting for Keely.
After the event, me and assorted fans took picture with Peifen. Dennis Chew was too busy chatting with other people... they left pretty fast.
For more pictures, go here...
It was truly mind-boggling and spectacular... JC and Ning had done us proud by setting a new world record!! They did exactly 15 illusions in 5 minutes!!! :-D
Picture with JC and Ning
For more photos, go here...
The following is the latest official line-up for WWE's "The Bash" pay-per view on June 28th in Sacramento, California:
Three Stages Of Hell Match for The WWE Title First Fall is a Singles Match, Second Fall is a Falls Count Anywhere Match, and the Third Fall, if necessary, will be a Stretcher Match -Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H
World Heavyweight Title Match: -CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
Scramble Match for The ECW Title: -Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay
I-C Title vs. Rey's Mask: -Chris Jericho (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
Unified Tag Team Title Match: -Carlito & Primo Colon (c) vs. Legacy
Women's Title Match: -Melina (c) vs. Michelle McCool
Singles Match Match: -John Cena vs. The Miz
Make sure to visit on Sunday, June 28th for the best live play-by-play coverage of WWE's "The Bash" pay-per view!
There are 2 events that I am going to attend today as well as tomorrow...
Today, 27th June... Local celebrity magic duo, J C Sum & 'Magic Babe' Ning will be attempting to set the world record for "most number of grand illusions performed in 5 minutes". Aptly entitled “The Impossible Record”, they will attempt to peform 15 types of illusions in 5 minutes (that's 20 seconds per illusion!!). The record is the first ever magic record of any kind to be adjudicated by the Singapore Book of Records and is also being submitted to Guinness World Records.
Venue:Central Promenade, Central Shopping Center Time: 2100 to 2200 hrs (but best to be there earlier lah) Nearest MRT station:Clarke Quay Link:
Tomorrow, 28th June... One Million Star 5 Singapore PK Challenge Finals at Leisure Park, Kallang. Included in the Top 20 are Campus Superstar finalistsNg Chee Yang, Geraldine See, Keely Wee and Rachel Chua, Project Superstar season 2finalistsTan Diya and Carrie Yeo, and even Singapore Idol season 1 finalist Sylvester Sim. Who will shine amongst them? Who will have the golden opportunity to showcase their talent on the highly popular "One Million Star 5" in Taiwan? All your questions will be answered on 28 June!
Venue: Leisure Park, 5 Stadium Walk (just opposite Indoor Stadium) Time: 1500 to 1800 hrs Nearest MRT station: Kallang (but best to take bus from Orchard region) Link:
Even though I very rarely go to that filthy and corrupt blog known as "Live Life To The Fullest, Stay Happy Always" due to the huge number of posts per month (he now got 80 posts for this month, WTF!!), I went to take a peek at what the owner of that blog has to say about the recent passings of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson...
Oh No, bad news is that michael jackson and farrah fawcett both died! Rest in peace and hope u have a better life the next round. =) Yes 933 was talking about michael jackson this morning and what he will be having his 50 session of concert in july and didn't expect such an outcome before his concert man. Jackson was at home when his heart stop beating and when he was rush to the hospital, there is no hope already. They have their fame and it ended now. Big hoo hoo news around the world now.
I am personally taken aback by the sheer childishness, self-centredness, stupidity and arrogance of Mr Koh's thoughts on both Farrah Fawcett's and Michael Jackson's passing... especially when he typed both their names in small fonts. What exactly does he mean by "they have their fame and it ended now"???? I may not know much about the former Charlie's Angel (given her low profile in recent years), but Michael Jackson will forever be the greatest musician and true King of Pop in my heart. Yes, Michael's reputation may have been tarnished by recent controversies such as child molest accusations and financial woes (not forgeting the most obviouc change in his skin color and facial structure), but HIS FAME AND LEGACY WILL NEVER END EVEN AFTER DEATH; HE IS AN INTERNATIONAL CELEBRITY FOR GOODNESS SAKE.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the ending words "big boo hoo news around the world" added further fuel into my soon-to-explode inner rage. You end the paragraph on their deaths just like that??? Mr Koh thinks that by making nonstop plus longwinded updates on the H1N1 virus cases in his blog, posting million photos of his fugly face and being ranked No 1 Most Lovable Person on Facebook, he's 'so much more famous' than either Farrah or Michael??? God, I am being sickened to the core even as I struggle to regain my composure, can somebody please help do us a favor by breaking that idiot's neck right now.
Of course, it's common knowledge that the entire world will be mourning over the recent passings of both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. But I really wonder who will remember Mr Kiam Pa (besides his family and close firends) fondly on the day of his funeral (be it sooner or later)... cause I WON'T!!!
Happy Birthday to Alaric Tay, Shun Jie and Colleen
25th June. For the past 2 years, I used to remember this date as the day when the WWE made the painful decision to remove all references on deceased wrestler Chris Benoit in all forms of media (be it DVDs, video games or websites), upon learning the truth that he was the one who had killed his wife and son before taking his own life. But now, this date holds a greater significance to me as well as everyone else around the world. Earlier today at 7.15 am, I had just gotten up from bed, and my mum opened the door, telling me and Bro these cryptic words... "Michael Jackson has died." The reality sunk in when she told me a second time, esp since I know that my mum doesn't lie on such things (such as the time when she told me about MC King's passing on 4th January last year). I quickly rushed to the TV and watched the CNN news...
True enough, the international pop star named Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest at 2.27 pm US time, at the age of 50. He was just 2 months shy from his next birthday, and he was due to start a series of concerts in London in 3 weeks' time. But now with his sudden passing, it is indeed most unfortunate that Michael's plans for a retirement concert would never be realized... in fact, his plans died along with him. But even so, we know he had gone to a better place, where he can no longer experience pain or suffering. May God bless his soul and continue to watch over his family and loved ones.
On a side note, another celebrity had died on the same day, she is one of the original Charlie's Angels, Farah Fawcett. She lost her life to cancer at the age of 62. As sad as it may seem, Fawcett's demise wasn't as shocking as Jackson's, esp since she was semi-retired and she was already quite sick for 2 years already. Not to forget that her personal life, in spite of its flaws, was nowhere as controversial as Jackson's is.
We are all familiar with his life story... he was born Michael Joseph Jackson on the 29th of August 1958 in Gary, Indiana, the 7th of 9 children. We know about how he and 5 other brothers formed an original boyband known as the Jacksons which lasted from 1966 to 1984. But little do we know that he was deprived of a normal childhood from all those years of studio recording.
And then there's the period of time where Michael made a name for himself as a solo artist and reached the peak of his career with the release of "Thriller", which earned him a record 8 Grammy Awards in 1984 and solidified his status as the King of Pop. With the next few albums "Bad", "Dangerous" and "HIStory" to name a few, Jackson has wowed the entire world with his unique talents and mind-boggling chereography.
And then there's Michael's personal woes... the drastic change in skin color from medium brown to pale white caused by the disease known as vitiligo, as well as the gradual change of his face structure. From an adorable boy, he has degraded into something less than human, making it hard to accept him, but also hard not to love him wholeheartedly at the same time. And yeah, we all know how the pop star was plagued with two child molestation accusations involving teenage boys, as well as the financial woes that forced him to sell his Neverland Ranch. Not to forget being a father to 2 kids by his ex-wife Debbie Rowe and to a thrid child through a surrogate mom. All this seemed to have tarnished his reputation and fall from grace... but he nevertheless got back on his feet and made a proposal to conduct a series of concerts to mark his retirement from showbiz. Pity that would never happen.
Whether we know Michael Jackson as the rock star genius who gave us these memorable songs such as "Billie Jean", "Smooth Criminal", "Heal The World" and many other hits, and amazed us with his unique dance moves (not to forget the moonwalk), or as the wacko with pale skin who likes to grab his crotch, make strange sounds while singing (you know, vocabulary like "hee hee", "hoo hoo" and "aaow!!") or touch little boys in his private estate (if the rumors turn out to br true), let us not forget the number of lives that he has touched with his music and charity work. He has without a shadow of a doubt inspired many young talents such as Justin Timberlake and Rihanna with his amazing chereography, showmanship, talent in songwriting and composing. He may have left the world, but he will forever live on in the hearts of many. King of Pop forever! We will miss you greatly, Michael.
This is my personal MJ collection. I myself had been a fan of MJ since the age of 4 or 5, and it was my dad's friend who motivated me to be a fan of MJ by giving me and my brother a Moonwalker VHS tape as a Christmas present. That friend named Uncle Med had since passed away from kidney failure in June 2003, leaving behind a wife and young son. Coincidentally, his death anniversary seemed to be rather close to the date of MJ's passing.
Top row: Moonwalker DVD, Dangerous album cassette, Bad album cassette, HIStory Part A cassette (Classics), HIStory Part B (Present Hits), Number Ones music videos DVD
Middle row: Thriller 25th Anniversary Edition (audio CD plus DVD), Dangerous Short Films VCD, MJ Live Recordings (audio CD), HIStory Music Video (VCD)
Bottom row:Invincible album (audio CD), Essential Michael Jackson (audio CD), Number Ones (audio CD), Blood on The Dance Floor (audio CD)
You may go to this link to find out more aboutthe King of Pop.
Sometimes I really wonder if some parents even know how to discipline their kids!!
This family of four came to the workplace yesterday evening and stayed around for about 1.5 hours. And while I was searching for some Kids-related CDs, the couple's young kids (boy in beige shirt, girl in light blue) went running around the place as if it were a playground; they had been doing this for nearly one hour!! Who do they think they are, participants of a triathlon??
And all the parents did was just tell them to "stop running and behave youselves" and not even attempt to do anything to stop them permanently. I lost a lot of concentration because of that, and yes I was disgusted by the entire family!!
You might have thought that I would be the type who would say, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they do". That is only partially true, but truth be told, I find it rather unforgivable that the couple just let their kids run around like monkeys just like that!! When the 4 of them were about to leave, I could only stare at the father with anger in my eyes. If the workplace weren't a Christian-themed one, I could have kicked either parent in the skull, like how Randy Orton disposes of his enemies with that infamous running punt kick. Not the first timesuch thing had happened, but this incident was the one to make me share my thoughts on parents not disciplining their kids properly at bookstores.
And in case any of you were wondering, I was doing afternoon shift yesterday, and I did not use the Net yat night, I was w-a-t-c-h-i-n-g T-V. And I certainly have no time for MSN these days, so please stop 'placing your bets on the next time I am going to login to Windows Messenger after a lengthy absence', cos that ain't gonna happen at all. I hope all of you understand.
WWE news Man, I can't believe that Donald Trump got fired as owner of Raw (by who else but Vince McMahon) after running the show for only one week (and making the show commercial-free for the very first time in Raw history). This probably marked the death of what is meant to be a memorable and history-making moment in the world of sports-entertainment. The Donald then gave Vince a piece of his mind by giving him a hard slap to the face. Maybe Vince had concerns that Donald Trump might screw everything up, like how Vince Russo ruined WCW between 1999 to 2001 and caused Ted Turner to lose a huge sum of money with the closing down of WCW. It was most humiliating for Vince to purchase Monday Night Raw at twice the price he sold it for the week prior. Oh, and am I glad that Santina Marella got fired at last!! No more of that Miss WrestleMania B.S. already...
The upcoming PPV event "The Bash" has 7 confirmed matches, and it will take place in Sacramento, California on 28th June. More details on that in a later post...
Random stuff - I don't mean to be harsh or something, but I was rather displeased when I discovered that someone had renewed her membership with Fanclub A via fund transfer recently. Last year she 'betrayed' Fanclub B which she had been serving for a long time and got blacklisted as a result of her actions, and now she wants to continue being part of Fanclub A, in which she hadn't been active for almost the whole of last year?? It really makes me wonder what her reasons for renewing may be... whatever the case, I had stopped being in friendly terms with her since the conflict with Fanclub B anyway (not to forget the fact that she had offended many others along the way). The most I could give her is a cold shoulder (infinite times for that!!) and pretend as if I never knew her at all. Yes, I can be THIS honest, I was never the 'lenient type' anyway.
- Yesterday evening, our 'dear friend' Mr EY told me that he didn't make it to the next round of Singapore Idol season 3 at Marina Barrage yesterday, but according to his sms... "MCS select me to sing 2 of their NDP songs which is to be aired on Channel 5... and maybe still have chance of getting to the next round cos they say they will ask the judges to give me one more chance. The press selected me as one of the few people for a 15 min interview, and ask me why I like Fiona in my application form... they said that the confession really gave them a big laugh and that my confession will be aired on August 9th." Obviously I felt that all of this is total BS. and I also realized that he is in danger of becoming another overconfident, attention-craving prick like Mr KohorAlvin Da Huttbefore us. Can anyone please tell me what's so special about EY, other than his longwinded philiosophical messages and unhealthy obsessions over Leslie Cheung, Fiona Xie and Karena Lam? Such a weird fella like him doesn't even deserve another chance for fame from Dick, Flo and Ken!! Come end of August, this will be the last straw for good!!! Don't say I never warned you, EY...
- Speaking about Alvin The Hutt, I got a feeling I might see him at Leisure Park this coming Sunday, owing to the fact that he would root for anyone from Project Superstar or Campus Superstar. I better standby a full roll of masking tape, and probably a grande launcher if I have one (evil smirk)
- Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen opens in cinemas islandwide today, but I plan to watch it only sometime next week. I was never a diehard fan of Transformers, though I followed some of the series on a semi-regular basis (just to let you know, I totally hated Beast Machines). If you ask me about collectibles, I would prefer to collect Marvel Comics action figures, Star Wars figures, Power Ranger robots or even WWE figures. I do own about 3 or 4 Transformer toys btw, as well as few mini-sized Transformers.
- Speaking about Marvel Comics heroes, I don't need to watch the whole of "The Incredible Hulk" on HBO ths coming Sunday at 9 pm, cos I already got the DVD. But I really loved the Louis Letterier version, and I enjoyed watching the fight between the Hulk and the Abomination. :-)
Yesterday was a day full of surprises and impossibilities made possible.
0900-1020 hrs: Mum, Bro and I went to church for morning service, the Word was on Jesus healing the man with the shriveled hand on the Sabbath according to the Gospel of Mark, as well as the tension between Jesus and the Pharisees. The closing hymn after that was a very strange choice cos it was used mostly for opening song (it's the upbeat song titled "Jesus We Celebrate Your Victory").
1030-1240 hrs: We took bus to Suntec City, my eyes nearly bled upon seeing a young girl in super shorts. We went to have lunch at food court, then went a bit of shopping. Shortly after, I decided to go solo. I went around Toys R Us for a few minutes, then left Suntec.
1245 hrs:Seeing that my water bottle was empty, I decided to go to National Library (aka my former workplace) to refill it. And boy was I lucky... after refilling my bottle, I was about to head to the escalator when someone in yellow shirt saw me and said, “Hey, Tanat!! Nice to see you!!” I turned around and...
OH MY GOD, IT’S NAT HO!!! :-O Turns out he went there to return some books and was on his way to Raffles Hotel, whereas I told him that I was on my way to Bras Basah Complex to surf Internet. After Nat left, I quickly sent mass SMSes to inform as many people as I could on the amazing encounter. :-D
1300-1630 hrs: Ok, so I surfed the Net for a while and went to the gym for a while... then I went to Plaza Singapura to meet up with the Naturals (about 8 to 10 in total), telling them more on the incident at NLB. And yep, I did renew my membership with Nat fanclub. While most of the Naturals headed to ground level of PS, I took a train to Central.
1645-1750 hrs: Upon reaching Central, I could only begin to worry bout the upcoming Inversion stunt that Magic Babe Ning is about to perform. Lo and behold, I saw those 2 weirdos (let’s name them Mr Cyan and Mr Red)... the sucka in red tee still behaving like a court jester and tucking his shirt all the way in!! Hello, this is Singapore, not China!!! As for the simpleton in cyan, he can’t seem to stop biting his fingernails, and his face still looks like a potato... oh ya, he does look a lot like William Hung!!!
1750-1830 hrs: JC and Ning graced the stage and did a bit of quiz time with fans. I located myself at the 2nd level to get a good view of the performance. My heart was beating very quickly the moment Ning was suspended upside down on the trapeze bar... and with a bed of spikes directly below her pretty face!! She had to free herself from the strait jacket while blindfolded and refrain from making any unnecessary movement from her legs (with ankle braces secured to her feet and hooked to the bar). Within 90 seconds, she successfully freed herself, and everyone cheered loudly!! Following that, was a series of interviews with Razor TV, Channel News Asia, and Channel 8. Ning had truly done us proud by being the first and only magician in Southeast Asia to successfully attempt the Inversion Act blindfolded.
1840-1900 hrs: Time for autograph-cum-photo taking session. Mr Cyan and Mr Red continued with their super weird tactics... it’s ok if they give the Magic duo drinks and cards, but the very sight of them in such weird and aggressive fashion gave me goosebumps. In fact, Mr Red who was standing right in front of me stinked really badly, I think his bag is about a decade old xiah!!! Soon after them, it was my turn to get their autographs and take picture with the Magic Duo of course. Then I went upstairs to stay away from the weird duo, at the same time seeing TH and KC mingle around with the Magic duo as well as Ning’s family for a little while. I personally thought that Ning’s younger sisters were very sweet and pretty too, heh. :-p
1910-2010 hrs:The Arena team left the place at abt 7 pm, as did the good pair (Ted and Ken) and the bad pair (Mr Cyan and Mr Red). The next segment that took place was a Contortonist act, involving2 Monoglian beauties(in late teens I believe) and 2 Chinese babes (12 to 14 years I think). TheMongolian babesspecialized in rhythmic dance, whereas the 2 Chinese gals in steamy hot yellow suits did a series of impossible contortions (ouch!!). It was mightily frightening to watch, but entertaining nonetheless.
2010-2355 hrs: Had quick dinner and then took train back home... upon reaching home at 9, I used Net til 11 plus, and headed to bed before 12 midnight.
To see more pictures taken duringMagic Babe Ning's Inversion act, go here...
To see more pics taken during the Amazing Contortionist act, go here...
Event hosted by a scrawny girl named Shauna, she was one of the lyricists/composers involved in S-Pop Hurray last year.
Marcus Lee from CSS 2 and his band from Cashew CC. I don't like one of the guitarists (the guy in black polo tee on Marcus' left) due to his sheer arrogance and bossy ways, hence I chose not to take any close-up shots of him.
Yap Jiamin, a grand finalist of the doomed Campus Superstar 3 finals. She is the hot favorite who was supposed to win the title if not for the sheer biasness and politics of the judges and public voting!!
Before the next performance, there was a game session... a young Malay dude, a middle-aged Malay guy (father of 3 I think) and Joselin selected on stage to do... HULA HOOP!! KnighWings, a five-men Malay rock band with superb showmanship and star power. I absolutely loved the way they ended their third song in style. I feel they are as outstanding as By Definitionbefore them :-)
Joselin Ng, another grand finalist of Campus Superstar 3who was initially eliminated on 16th March, but was revived and included into the (totally doomified) Grand Finalsvia judges' choice. I still hate the fact that a little boy could beat 3 girls whose vocal prowess are much more powerful than his.
Totally forgot the name of this Malay rock band, but I remembered them playing the tune of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"at start of show.
Picture of the lovely Joselin and myself. I left the place soon after she did, but not before passing to her a series of belated birthday presents. :-)