Thursday, February 05, 2009

A CAT version of Aids??

Happy Birthday to Edmund Chen, Ezann and Khairil

This piece of news simply broke my heart... some mysterious soul burying several cats along a long grass patch at Seletar Esate. A mass burial of about 45 cats (damn, that's A LOT!!!).

Before anyone can label this anonymous gravedigger a 'cat killer' or 'inhuman', another startling revelation came forth... most of the 45 decaesed cats which had been buried were found to have sucuumbed to some deadly virus, based on recent autopsy reports. So it seems like this person isn't so heartless after all (but what he did is still rather dangerous and unacceptable).

And the virus rumored to be responsible for these deaths is known as... FIV?? Feline Immunodefiency Virus. This disease is not usually fatal in healthy adult cats, but can be fatal in kittens and older cats whose immnue systems had been compromised. Another common illness is feline panleucopenia, primarily spread through contact wit an infected cat's body fluids, faeces or fleas.

Good news is, these type of diseases cannot be transmitted to humans. Bad new is, it is difficult to tell which cats suffer from the disease, given the rising number of stray cats in recent years.

Now that this news had come to light, I am beginning to suspect that some of the cats near my house may already have been infected with either FIV or feline distemper... then again, it's hard to tell. Regardless of the outcome, my love for cats would never change even if this drastic discovery had surfaced... I will continue to love them unconditionally, with pure affection and no biasness (even if some of them run away at the sight of anyone).

To end off, I will put in some photos of cats taken in the past 2 weeks... enjoy. ;-)

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