Right after the show at Expo, I took a train to Woodlands... the journey took an hour, and I reached Causeway Point at exactly 1 pm!! But I did not go straight to the foyer... instead, I went to haf a quick lunch at Pastamania first, before going for the stage region. Quite a lot of people xiah, but least not as fully packed as the other time the TVB artistes made an appearance there (according to Melvin who went there). The only people I could recognise within the first level were Hoetian, Joey, Karlyn and Pamela.
And to my horror, I saw that fugly Hutt Alvin again!! (well Hutts are really fugly aren't they?) Who exactly is he supporting, I wonder?? Damnit lah, he f'ing annoying lor... make noise all the time and show peace signs everytime the camera is aimed towards his face. Camera whore... wait I kick him in the balls (if he has any!!) and then proceed to give him a dose of Sweet Chin Music!! He should never have come... disgusting piece of shit!! >:-@

"The Rice House" (Wo men de fan dian)
"The Rice House" (Wo men de fan dian)
Aileen Tan (a regular customer in my soon-to-be-fromer workplace) looking great, Michelle Chong aka Adrianna Wow still as perky as ever, Thomas Ong aka Hu Xicun/Judge Ironfist looking rather shabby, Sugianto in his fist drama stint, and veteran Chen Guohua (last seen as Uncle Ming in "Metamorphosis"). The drama will debut on 4th February, every Monday at 8 pm.
Cast members who showed up were Ye Shipin, Jin Yini, Jacqueline Sue, Wu Luoyi, Joey Swee (who was also emcee for the day) and May Phua. No Dawn unfortunately. May was a last minute addition cos she had plenty of free time. Jin Yinji mentioned MC King at one point, stating that this show had brought everyone closer together, esp after Mc King's tragic passing. Jackie's appearance was probably enough to make up for Dawn's MIA. In fact, the busty babe herself sounds too much like Dawn with that squeaky voice of hers!! Oh, and one of the contestants who went on stage (a teenage gal in red jacket and blue shorts, not pictured) looked rather hot, I nearly turned into Venom!!!

Chen Meixin performing. I dunno why, but she kinda reminds me of Wendy... the golden-haired babe who went up on stage for a game had a slightly hotter waist (she got legs too).
Chen Meixin performing. I dunno why, but she kinda reminds me of Wendy... the golden-haired babe who went up on stage for a game had a slightly hotter waist (she got legs too).
Many were very surprised to see Eelyn and Carrie there!! I was very happy when I saw big-eyed Eelyn... she waved to me, hurray!!! Besides these two, there was also Jesseca (a lot of cheers), Ann Kok (better hairstyle now), Hong Hui Fang (figure quite power!), Chen Tianwen (wearing orange much like Hasayan), Yao Wenlong (now wif hair!!), Bryan Wang (the weakest link as Qian Duoduo, wif acting as stilted as ever) and emcee Brandon Wong (as the cunning and manipulative Martin).
After the Kinship 2 cast left, me and Joey headed off to Expo by train!!
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