Cant wait to see Sheng Jing Po again in a few days time... hopefully next Saturday... I've had it with Princess withdrawal. Thank goodness there's a roadshow at Eastpoint Mall this Sat, otherwise I will feel extremely bored.
Yesterday I initially wanted to get a peek at a certain preview screening for "Heng or Huat", at the 8th level of Orchard Cineleisure... but decided to give it a miss. After much thought, I decided to go watch "Alien Vs Predator: Reqiuem", but not before having dinner at Pastamania. Seems like I kena hooked to the Alien and Predator franchise for a while after watching the first AVP film on Channel 5 on Sunday. Another reason was because I felt the urge to watch a film before "Jumper", which comes only next month.

My thoughts on the film? Man, it was gruesome and totally badass, but much better than the first film. The Wolf Predator is outnumbered by many Xenomorphs running loose around Colorado. It shocks me greatly to wonder how the PredAlien who hatched out from the Scar Predator's corpse could grow up into an adult so quickly. Seeing how the Wolf Yautja skinned a policeman after killing him and kill any human in his path, it seems evident that Wolf is nowhere as compassionate as Scar before him (In the fiirst film, Scar allows a certain Alexa Woods to team up wif him after the latter saves him from a few Xenomorphs, and they both defeat the Alien Queen), since his primary goal is to eliminate every Xenomorph, even to the extent of eliminating humans. Highlights include Wolf blasting 2 humans at the heads wif his plasma cannon and tossing a shuriken at a hot bimbo named Jesse.
And while the Facehuggers (Ovomorphs) continue to disgust viewers by clinging onto clueless humans' faces and implanting Chestbuster embryos into the hosts' mouths, the PredAlien does an even more gruesome job... she regurgitates Chestburster embryos directly inside the mouth of female victims (mostly pregnant women!!) through her inner set of jaws, numbers ranging from the usual single embryo to 5 at a time. EEEEEEWWWW GROSS!!!! @_@ Thats the part I detest the most. Good thing the creatures got wiped out in the end... but then, so did majority of the human race in the better part of the States. How is that possible? Watch it for yourself to find out.
Other than the battle between the Predator, the Xenomorphs and the PredAlien (which didnt seem really hoo-haa due to poor lighting effects), the storyline for the humans seems rather weak. The characters aren't even memorable to begin with. I rate the film 5.5 out of 10 stars... watch it only if you have time to kill. Thank goodness it's only 1.5 hours like the first one.
hi~ can i know what roadshow is going on this sat and who are the artistes appearing? thanks a lot! =)
It's an S-Pop roadshow! Project Superstar 2 finalists Chen Diya, Carrie Yeo, Jeremy Chan, Nat Tan and Tang Ling Yi, and Campus Superstar 2 finalist Keely Wee will be at Eastpoint Mall at 3 pm... ;-)
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