Wednesday, December 17, 2008

YES to pek-chekness over an SMS mistake

Happy Birthday to Zhang Yaodong and Nur Syafiqah

Man I can't believe this. Just when I was looking forward to attending a movie premiere for an upcoming film, my joy turned to despair when I was led to a startling discovery that I was not the winner!! And that made me really pek chek. This was how it began...

On Tuesday afternoon, I sent an sms to MyPaper as part of a "Yes Man" sms contest... answering a simple question on the name of the lead actor for "Yes Man" (answer is Jim Carrey lah). The first 300 readers to get the answer correct will stand to win a pair of movie preview tickets ofr "Yes Man".

On Friday evening, I got an sms which read: "(Fr adeltan) Fr SPH- Congrats! You've won a pair of movie preview tickets to "Yes Man". Screening on Tuesday, 16 Dec, 7 pm. Please check your email for prize collection letter." I was jumping with delight, and immediately I emailed a friend asking her if she would like to watch the film with me. I then proceeded to check my email inbox... don't have any message. I thought, "Hmm maybe the email will come tomorrow".

I checked inbox on Sat... zilch. Checked inbox on Sunday evening... still dont have!! I sense some foul play somewhere...

And on Monday morning, I checked my inbox one more time... STILL NO SIGN OF EMAIL FROM MYPAPER WHATSOEVER!! Knowing something was absolutely wrong, I tried to send an sms to them... but they can't seem to get through. So I decided to send an email to both SPH and MyPaper.

Lo and behold, I finally got a phone call from a MyPaper personnel soon after at 5.30 pm... a lady told me that the reason why I didn't receive any email for the prize collection letter was because they sent the sms to the WRONG PERSON, and that means I am not the actual winner. And the moment I heard that, I was muttering... "NA-B**". She then said that she is going to mail to me 2 GV movie vouchers to compensate for the mistake.

Was I angry? Yes. Was I shocked? Yes, obviously. Was I disappointed? Yes, you bet I was. Did I feel like scolding them? Damnit, YES!!! Even with the movie vouchers as compensation, I will still not hesitate to scold them. I mean come on, how can they make a mistake on this kind of thing!! Make me feel so cheated!! It could have happened to anyone, but for such a thing to happen to me is already damn suay!!

For a while, I was having rather mixed feelings over this issue... pondering whether I should let them off or not. Thankfully, the other time I won tickets for "Rule #1" back in March was authentic without any errors whatsoever. I may be calm and forgiving most of the time, but I can also be very nasty when others push me off the limits. I think it would be coolest if I give that jabroni responsible for the blunder an F-U through a table.

On the bright side of things, me and my friend went around VivoCity snapping pictures of the Christmas decorations at the ground level and the top floor. And also whistle at the cute leggy babes around the place. :-p

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