Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another anti-MKP blogger, and the true maening of satisfaction

Happy Birthday to Karen and Lee Young-Ah (QQ lookalike!!)
Start of the Scorpio Star

During another day of boredom at the office, I happened to chance upon some random fella's blog... I discovered that we both have one thing in common: we are not afraid of voicing out opinions on a certain attention seeker known as MKP!!!

I've always been very anti-Viewship based mentality bloggers, because I believe blogging is all about the content and our main audience is the readers. They are the sole reason why the blog exist as a blog and not a personal journal.
But if the blogger main aim is to win the highest view-ship which is obtained from the statistics of the regulairity and variety of readers reading it, then it totally defeats the purpose of starting up a blog. I can only say people who function that way are really selfish because they put themselves before their readers, in the place where readers comes first- THE BLOG!

I strongly agree with Jordan on that. Blogging is never intended for one to showcase his achievements and personal life. If a blogger wants high traffic, then he/she should more focus on the content, rather than on the viewership. Yet, advertisements are vital for the bloggers who use blogs as THEIR ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME.

My one and only reaction is: THIS WHOEVER IS A LOSER
Not just a loser... but he's also a jackass, an attention seeker, a retard and last but not least, AN ABOMINATION!!!

To Sean Koh, you are getting famous again by being infamous, but it doesn't bother me at all. You get to keep the extra hits, for all the wrong reasons.
Yeah, let that idiot get his retribution someday. Let him rot in hell for all we care!!

Since I had already 'wasted a lot of time and energy' on those countless entries aimed at that siao kiah fella in regards to his despicable and corrupt personality, I shall play it differently this time round by putting up Bible references...

In 1 John 2:12-17, the apostle John, known for his great love for Christ and His church, warned fathers and young men against these three deadly lusts:
  • The lust of the flesh- the insatiable appetite to indulge in pleasures that inflame the flesh, but never satisfy.
  • The lust of the eyes- wandering eyes that continually want more riches and possessions, but always remain covetous.
  • The pride of life- the vain mind that thirsts for man's applause, but the glory evaporates quickly.

Different forms of temptation, most particularly pornography, can damage anyone in general... it feeds lustful desires in ways that can never satisfy. True satisfaction is found only when we give our affections to eternal things- to a right relationship with our Heavenly Father and with those He had created in His image.

Excerpt from MKP's latest entry:
You can say whatever you like about me because honestly i don't really care. I am very used to such negative comments, i received from others. =) You are nobody to me, by right i shouldn't give u any attention at all.
MKP stated that he is 'too used to negative comments' and that 'he doesn't really care about what others say about him', and yet the worst part is, he's not doing anything to change himself for the better, and still has the balls to claim that "he is not affected by what is going on"!! Then again the saying goes, "A leopard never changes its spots". So yeah, no use trying to change the heart of someone who thinks 'he is very famous', when in reality he is NOT!!!

If I had my way, I would most certainly like to transform into something equivalent to The Hulk and bash up that abomination to a bloody pulp, but come to think about it, violence won't solve anything. Let the heavens decide MKP's fate, without anyone intervening.

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