Thursday, October 16, 2008

Random thoughts on fetching guests, politics, etc

Happy Birthday to...
15th Oct- Guo Jingjing, Gerald Chan
16th Oct- Mark Lee, 'Magic Babe' Ning, Irene Teo

Ok, I admit I was being a bit too over-reactive in regards to the fetching of foreign clients from Changi Airport to a certain hotel. Overall, both tasks on Tuesday and Wednesday evening went quite smoothly with no difficulty. Even the intervening of another employee (one whose booking of the NLB van was rather last minute) on Tuesday could do little to deter the task; although it was the first time I met up with that fella, he had already given me a bad impression with his sloppiness and personality (little surprise that the van driver wants to lodge complaints about him). Still, I felt client fetching was a lot better than going for a roadshow in the middle of Bugis Junction to see Wu Chun. Sorry, Fahrenheit fans, but I don't really care about Wu Chun or any Taiwanese pop bands in general. Maybe except a few like Rainie Yang or Lee-Hom Wang, heh. :-p

My thoughts on politics... the recent death of an anti-government protester during one of the protest rallies in Thailand shook things up a little, as the Queen had given moral support and said during the protester's funeral that she was a decent person who had been helping the King and working for the good of the nation. Rumors are that the Thai parliament that had garnered mixed reactions among the citizens may face possilbe dissolution in times to come. More details can be read here...

I may not know much about the 2008 US presidential campaign, but I certainly would like to wish Obama and McCain all the best in the final round of the elections. May the best man emerge the victor... ;-)

Shocking news for Marvel fans... Terrence Howard to be replaced by Don Cheadle for the role of James Rhodes aka War Machine in Iron Man II??? :-O

And FINALLY, Tropc Thunder is gonna arrive in cinemas islandwide next week!! What took it so freaking long to come???

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